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Breastfeeding and Babywearing: Our Top 5 Reasons why they’re perfect together
Babywearing and breastfeeding are perfect together. Why is babywearing so great for breastfeeding? Well, because it facilitates your breastfeeding relationship with your baby in a number of wonderful ways. And the greatest thing about it is that this can apply to both biological and adopted babies! Pretty sweet, right? Read on to find out our top 5 reasons why babywearing and breastfeeding are perfect together. Babywearing: Puts baby close to...
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My buckle is reversed, how do I fix it?
Every once in a while you come to us with the question: “My buckle is reversed on my Onya. How can I fix it?” Well, good news! It’s not only super easy to fix a backwards buckle, it’s also super quick. And you don’t even need to remove the buckle from the webbing to do it! How to fix a reversed buckle:  And that’s it! We hope you find this...
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Did you know that Onya Baby carriers are the only soft-structured baby carriers that come packed with a portable seat for your baby? Have you ever been stuck playing “pass the baby” while the adults at the table are trying to eat? It’s not easy. Well – huzzah! – with your Onya, you can kiss that game goodbye. You never know what your baby might need a seat, and with...
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Why do I wear my baby? Love.
A guest post by R.C. Liley from Going Dad Even before my daughter Avery was born, I knew I would wear her in a carrier. I was uninformed about the actual benefits of babywearing, Initially, I just thought it would be a cool way to get some extra exercise. Do you know anyone who tries to turn anything into some form of exercise? Well, meet one more – me! So, while...
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Babywearing basics: How to thread a buckle on a baby carrier. So, you’ve got your favorite baby carrier and it’s been working great, but your webbing’s all twisted and your buckle got turned around. Well, no need to worry. There are a couple of easy ways to fix this problem. The easiest is by simply sliding the buckle up and down the webbing while turning it. Soon enough, it’ll get...
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